
Convert numbers into words How to write a check in letters with one click

Many people search for how to convert numbers into words for many
 goals, one of which is that they want to write a check in letters or write a book in letters, and also how to write a rent book in letters.
Writing numbers in letters is often needed by people who deal with banks, and the reason is that they do not know how to write Arabic well and are afraid of making mistakes in letters. As you know, a check is considered one of the most dangerous books to write on, and the reason is due to the strict laws set by the state.

Therefore, so that you do not fall into this problem of converting numbers into words, I will provide you with a site that will help you with this problem.

Convert numbers into words

Converting numbers into words is needed by everyone who has a bank account or anyone who rents shops and housing, and of course this depends on the laws of the country. For example, in Morocco, a bank check must contain numbers and letters.

The rental book also contains a box below the numbers that asks you to write the numbers in letters to confirm whether the number matches or not.

What is the reason for writing a check in letters?

The reason for writing a check in letters or in any notebook is to confirm the numbers, because many people can write the numbers, but it is not uncommon for them to distort the numbers. For this reason, he must confirm the numbers with letters, for God’s will. The other party wishing to change the numbers will not and will not find how to change the letters.

I will provide an example: We say you have a check for 5,000 Moroccan dirhams. If you want me to write the check, it must be in this format (#5000#), but it will not be long before the numbers are manipulated and become (#8000#), or if you leave a space between “ #” And the number can be added another number and it becomes 50,000 Moroccan dirhams.

But my fellow follower, if you add the letters, the thief will not be able to deceive you completely. Because in the bank there are employees who monitor whether the numbers and letters match. If there is a difference in the numbers and letters, then the check holder is contacted.

For example, you wrote a check for 5,500 Moroccan dirhams, so here you must write in Arabic letters (five thousand five hundred dirhams).

Here you have protected your check or rental paper so that the numbers are not changed.

How to convert numbers into words

In order to convert numbers into words, you must enter a reliable site, and I personally tried it to write in a check and even a rental book. The results were wonderful and 100 percent successful.

First, you must enter the website to convert numbers written numerically into numbers written in text in both Arabic and English.

Enter the website: numbers.un-web

After you enter the site, you will find one uncomplicated page. All you have to do is enter the number in the box in front of you, as it is in the picture.

As you can see in the picture, there is one box that says “Enter the number.” This means that you must write the number in the check, rental booklet, or any booklet you want.

After you write the number and we assume 5,500 Moroccan dirhams, we will click on transfer.

We will find that the site has converted numbers into words in Arabic as well as English, and you can also change the language from Arabic to English, French, Spanish and Italian.

Features of the site for writing a check in letters

1. What is unique about the site is that it offers you 5 additional methods that can benefit you, which are:

Sending WhatsApp without saving the number

Calculate your age today

The ideal weight for your height

VAT calculation

Hijri date conversion

2. You can write letters in 5 languages: from Arabic to English, French, Spanish and Italian.

3. The third advantage, which no one notices, is that you can make this site like a competition in your home or in one of the electronic rooms.

It is that you provide a random number and we say “12589” and you tell your friends and followers to convert the numbers into words, and in this way you create an educational and entertaining atmosphere among people.

Of course, the answer is: twelve thousand five hundred and eighty-nine.

There are sites similar to this site for converting numbers into letters that we shared with you, and I noticed that they are similar except that each one has its own advantages.

For example, the un-web.com website offers many languages, including: Turkish, Persian, Spanish, Italian, Greek, German, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Hindi, Portuguese, Korean, French, English, Arabic.

What is nice about this site over the first is that it presents you with the languages in one table. Unlike the first site, you must change the language of the site. This point is added to the list of the site’s positives.

What are the additions provided by sites for converting numbers into words:

The first or second site does not only add the feature of converting numbers into words, but there are sections that are very important for people, and I personally looked at these additions because I will use them sooner or later.

We will find there more than 70 additions, which are as follows:

Today’s exchange rate of the Moroccan dirham

Know the ideal weight for your height

Calculate the age difference between you and your partner

Measure your internet speed

VAT calculation

Currency exchange rates today

Currency Converter – Currency Converter

Gold price today

Today’s gold price is 21 karat now

CBM calculates commercial shipment volume

Calculate percentage

Calculate the percentage between two or more numbers

Calculate the percentage of an amount

Discount Calculation – Know the price before and after the discount

Calculating the square root

Calculating the arithmetic mean


Calculating zakat money

Determining the sample size in scientific research

Distribution of currencies and sums of money

Convert numbers into words

Converting Arabic numbers to English numbers

Converting English numbers to Arabic numbers

Repeat text

Length Converter – Length Converter

Weight Converter – Weight Converter

Convert temperature to Fahrenheit, Celsius or Kelvin

Tabu Calculator – Calculating the area of your share of the Qushan

Calculate calories

Calculating pregnancy and due date

Hijri pregnancy calculation

Calculating the menstrual cycle

Calculating ovulation days

Age calculation

Determine the zodiac signs by date of birth

Today’s date – Hijri and Gregorian date

Today’s date in English

Today’s date is my birthday

Today’s Hijri date

Yesterday’s date – Hijri and Gregorian date

Month now – month how many Gregorian and Hijri

What month is my birth?

How many Hijri months?

Date converter

Convert date from Gregorian to Hijri

Convert date from Hijri to Gregorian

Calculating the difference between two dates in Gregorian calendar

Calculating the difference between two Hijri dates

Calculate the duration between two times

Add a duration to a time and date

Subtract a period from a time and date

Day Counter – Count the number of days remaining

Calculate the weighted ratio

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Your IP address

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Sending a WhatsApp message to a group of numbers that are not registered with you

Create a WhatsApp link

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