make money

How to create a blogger blog and profit is 5,000 $ per month

 Profit from the blog is among the best ways that I tried in the virtual world to earn money from the Internet, and many see that the blog is a hard field and it is difficult to profit from it, but the truth is that the profit from the blog is not easy and at the same time if you succeed you, know that your monthly income is It will reach more than $ 5,000 without exaggeration.


For today in the togeg Blog, we will get to know the truth that many bloggers and owners of large sites hide from you, because the blog is not only for writing and adding some icons and dickers, but rather a profit source for many bloggers.


How to profit from the blog

In order to profit from the free and paid blog, you must get to know many requirements and have many travelers “audience”. As for the requirements, they are what helps you for your success in Google search engines, and the sources of travelers are the ones that bring you the profit of money from the Internet.


Perhaps you have not yet understood these words that the professionals hide from you in blogging, and if you understand it, be sure you will gradually win the blog until you achieve very large entrances.

That is why before you think about earning money from the blog, you must think about what is the reason for the success of the blog and then what is the correct way to earn money from it.

So, as long as you understand very well that the word “profit of money from the blog” is the last thing you must think about, all you have to do is follow the laws that I will share with you and also the correct ways to reach your success in search engines and also in attracting the travelers.

But perhaps you are a beginner in the field of profit from the Internet and you do not have enough information about the blogging field, for this we will travel with you in this article to learn about what the blog and all its requirements and then we move on to how to profit money from the blog.

What is the blog?

The blog is a website in which articles are published by bloggers, or we say that the expression is a website in which topics are written by bloggers.

This blog carries with it many topics in various fields, and it is published to reach a large number of people around the world, whether it appears in search engines such as Google and others, or it is shared with people on social sites.

The blog is relied upon for many reasons, and among them is a blog for profit from the Internet in many ways, and also can be used to spread good and evil without earning money, but you have another purpose behind it.

An illustration example of the idea of creating a blog: The blog, whatever the case is to publish articles “topics”, and these topics contain the requirements of people around the world in a specific specialty and we say, for example: a topic that solves the problem of the phone battery, or a method of making money from the Internet, or solving a problem Study or providing tigers and tests, or downloading programs and applications that people and many requirements that people are searching for 24/24 in the virtual world.

The bottom line is that the blog is a place where topics are written in various fields and published for people in order to benefit them.

Our goal on this topic is how I will turn these articles into profits, or to publish topics to others, this is not the topic of today, for this follow with us the lesson in order to show you all the ways of profit from the blog.

Also read: Profit from blogs: The most important ways to earn more than $ 100 per day of the blog


What is the free and paid blog?

Many are looking for how to create a free blog, of course you can create it for free to shorten you to speak, but there are some things that you must know before you enter the blogging field in blogs.

Free Blog: The free blog has many platforms that support the idea of publishing topics on the Internet, but if you want me advice and want a free blog, I advise you to create a blogger blog for many reasons, including:

Blogger Blog a branch of Google Company, meaning that you provide protection, absolute space, and the ability to add a free professional template and driven, the ability to add a domain without any problem, you can create a free blog for free without any restrictions, and even preach that the Blogger Blog is developing in adding many One of the advantages that helps you to archive.

Meaning, you can create a blogger blog quickly and without any trouble and start working.

The difference between the free and paid blog: The difference between them is very small, especially in the Blogger Blog, and of course we will look at the Blogger and WordPress Blog because it is the most used for profit from the blog.

Free Blog in Blogger: The free blog does not have a domain or we say hosting, which is a brief name for the blog without showing the name of the company that gave you this blog.

Meaning, we say free Blogger hosts: “”, of course, its shape is large and not professional, in which the name of the company in which you gave the blogging is “Blogspot”.

Yes, you can publish the articles and are archived in search engines and you will not pay nor a single year annually, but the defect is the long, non -professional name that will not help you in the future of the blog’s success.

The opposite if you buy a paid domain at a price from 9 to 11 dollars and you have a domain in this way “”, have you discovered the difference now before you defame your blog among people.

Blogger requirements in each shortcut to become paid, which is to buy a domain, and it is also preferable to pay a paid template, and you have a professional blog that costs you only $ 23, and of course every year you pay from 11 to 14 dollars to keep the domain fixed on the site. “I preach to you that this blog that you read is on a blogger platform to rest assured.”

Free Blog in WordPress: WordPress is the strongest platform for working in the blog and profit from it, but this does not mean that you are not at risk.




The WordPress Magna Blog, I do not advise you to work on it completely for these reasons: you have no protection, no space, no domain, no paid template, and sometimes you are exposed to the site cramping and the problems of the server reflected in the paid blog.

The paid WordPress Blog is more expensive for these reasons: a paid domain from 9 to 11 dollars, purchasing a space with protection its price exceeds 30 dollars per month, buying a paid template and often its price is more than 50 dollars.

If you are just sufficient for these requirements, I advise you with a blogger blog.

Also read: Why WordPress is the best in creating an electronic store

What are the methods of profit from the blog

The blog does not think that it is just a blog in which you write and publish articles, and here you will win hundreds of dollars per month, but rather you need patience, a tight strategy, exclusive content, building audiences, requirements and equipment. Of course, we will look at these points that I have dominated after we finish the profit methods of the blog.

In order to earn money from the blog there are many ways and I will mention all of them and we will also look at the most famous.

1. Profit from advertisements: Profit is one of the most profitable ways in the blog, sites and forums, because the ads are pictures or writing that contain the names of companies, services and institutions that are announced in your site in return.


The profit from these ads mostly is divided into two parts, the first method is everyone who watches the advertisement, you win a percentage of profits, and the second method, and it is necessary to click on the advertisement to win the money.

There are many companies that help you to earn money from advertisements in your blog, but the most famous and best of which are Google Adsense.

Also read: Create a Google Adsense account: Create a YouTube and Medina account

Also read: The profits of Arab sites in Adsense reaches more than $ 2000 per month (by names and numbers)

2. Profit from renting an advertising space: You have a blog and it contains followers in a specific content and we say the profit content from the Internet, here either companies communicate with you or search for them to rent a place in your site in the form of a banner.

How is the profit from renting an area? Profit from renting an area in the blog either to be through a monthly or annual contract for a certain amount, or the profit is calculated for you whenever the person clicks on the announcement, or whenever he buys or records the followers in that announcement.

Of course, the profit is about an agreement and mutual consent that ends with a result that satisfies the two parties, according to the requirements of the advertiser or the blogger.

3. Profit from the Ephlelette: Aphlelette is among the best ways to profit from the blog, but this type of profit needs a tight strategy of all angles.

Listen to me, my follower, you must know that all the profit methods of the blog need you to bring your travelers in a big way, meaning that you must attract people in the virtual world, and the philitolizer depends on people significantly.

Alapite is that you talk, for example, about a specific type of camera or a topic about weight loss, and here you subscribe to Amazon or other companies that sell products on the Internet, and share the flag of that product in the topic.


Third: I created a health blog, so I touched on the issue of weight loss, I will search for a product in Amazon that helps in weight loss, then I will share that product via a link within the topic that talks about weight loss (infreel), and anyone who buys the product I Take a percentage of profits.

You are now watching what suits you, and you can collect all profitable methods on the site, and this comes gradually until your entrances become varied and from one source.

Also read: The best ways to profit from commission marketing: (The comprehensive guide to profit from the Ephlete)

How to earn money from the blog

After we got acquainted with the profit methods of the blog, a stage will come in how to earn money from it, because you now have a blog with a specific content and know what the best profitable methods mentioned earlier.


Here you will have a question as we had when we were starting to blogging, which is how the money is the money and I know all the ways of profit? What will be the reason for making money? How will the blog succeed? And many questions about converting the blog into a monthly income source.

You want to be honest with you without protocols, colors and delusions, if you must read well what I will write to you because the topic is very important to earn real money. I will share with you this image for one of my truths in all honesty and we ask God to bless us in our actions.


Before creating the blog, you must choose the type of content that benefits you in search engines and also in social sites.

I will clarify the matter with scribes, so that everyone can understand what is meant by content, search engines, and social sites, of course it will be in order.


1. Create exclusive content



The content means the topics that you will talk about in the blog, meaning we say profit content from the internet, sports content, health content, news content, cooking content, and long menu.


This content that you publish must be one of the contents that have a great research and the interest of people in the virtual world, and it must be monitored in Google Adwords about the material value that you will win from this content.

So, without the idea of the content of the content, there is no need to start profit from the blog, and you must choose the most profitable content if you are only profit.

2. Success for exclusive content

After you decided to make a blog with the intended content and say the profit content from the Internet, the stage of success of this content comes and made it in a good arrangement in Google search engines. But how is that?


When I enter Google AdWords, search for the word that has a great search in Google engines and also has a few competition, because I am currently a beginner and I can’t cram myself with adults now.

I will make it clear to you more to understand how the exclusive content will succeed.

1. I will enter Google Adwords, and I want to rely on the word “profit from the Internet” in the content, but my choice for this word is that I am crowding myself with adults, so I must choose the word profit from the Internet with a word that has the same relationship and it has a small research and competition And this is an example:

First, I must choose whether I will target the whole world or only a specific country and say Morocco, for example, and what language you want to choose, of course we will choose Arabic by virtue of the Arabs.

الترجمة الى العربية 


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